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Лекции Стилистика английского языка


Тип работы: Лекции. Добавлен: 02.09.2014. Год: 2013. Страниц: 15. Уникальность по antiplagiat.ru: < 30%

Описание (план):

Стилистика 23.10.2006 12:41
Стилистика – 2 Functional style 23.10.2006 12:41
Семинар 1 Scientific prose style 23.10.2006 12:41
Стилистика Scientific Prose Style 23.10.2006 12:41
Expressive means and stylistic devices 23.10.2006 12:41
Seminar 2 Newspaper style 23.10.2006 12:41
Seminar 3 Publicistic style 23.10.2006 12:41
Stylistic syntax 10/23/06 12:41 PM
Literary text as a poetic structure 10/23/06 12:41 PM
Стилитика анггл языка Арнольд
ВА Кухаренко Seminars in Style
The Subject matter of stylistics
Stylistics is a branch of general linguistics the principles and categories of which have been moire or less definitely outlined. It deals mainly with 2 independent tasks –
1) investigation of the inventory of the special language means which secure the desirable effect of the utterance.
The investigation of certain types of texts which due to the choice and arrangement of language means are distinguished by the pragmatic aspect of communication.
The first field of investigation – that is stylistic devices and expressive *means – touches upon such general problems as the esthetic function of language, synonymy, emotional coloring in language, the interrelation between language and thought, the individual manner of the author in making use of language and so on.
The 2nd field – that is functional styles – is connected with such most general linguistic issues as oral and written varieties of language, the notion of the literary language, and so on.
Nowadays, no science is entirely isolated from other domains of knowledge and stylistics is closely connected with such adjacent disciplines as theory of information, literature, psychology, logic, statistics and so on. According to different principles of classification stylistics is subdivided into the following varieties – stylistics of language and stylistics of speech, linguostylistics and literary stylistics, stylistics of the author and of the reader or stylistics of decoding and encoding. One of the developing branches of stylistics is comparative stylistics, which studies the potentialities of 2 or more languages.
Stylistics of language studies the specific features of language subsystems or functional styles characterized by special lexical phraseological and grammatical means on the 1 hand, and expressive, emotional and evaluative properties of lang means on the other hand.
Stylistics of speech investigates how separate real texts convey a message relying not only on the laws of grammar and stylistics but on the meaningful deviations from these norms as well. The main principles of linguostylistics were outlined by Charles Bally, an outstanding French linguist.
According to him, linguostylistics compares the national norm with special language subsystems that is functional styles and dialects. And exists as functional stylistics. And it investigates language elements. From the point of view from their ability to express and evoke emotions, additional associations and evaluation. Charles Bally worked out and introduced into practice the principle of identification, which consists in comparing the elements of the text under analysis with the elements logically equivalent to it but stylistically and emotionally neutral. the aim of literary stylistics is to study the subtotal of artistic expressive means typical of this or that artistic text, author, literary school or epoch. Linguostylistics and literary stylistics are closely connected as the former conserves the basis for the latter.
Literary stylistics is in its turn extensively connected with the theory of literature. Artistic literature is studied by hundreds of disciplines and studies – aesthetics, psychology, theory of literature, linguistics and so on. Each of these disciplines has its own specific tasks, approaches, methods and categories that all of them are interrelated.
The aim of literary stylistics is to give a deep insight into the author's individual poetic method and here literary stylistics depends on another adjacent disciplines.
Linguostylistics and literary stylistics may be subdivided according to the accepted in stylistics hierarchy of linguistic levels. There is no uniformity of views concerning the inventory of linguistic levels. But the following ones are most often distinguished –

levels. Accordingly, stylistic lexicology studies stylistic function of words, the interaction of direct and indirect meanings, the contextual meaning of words, expressive , emotional and evaluative potentialities of words and their stylistic references, stylistic potentialities of phraseology and word building process.
Stylistic morphology describes stylistic potentiality of different grammatical categories – case, number, tense – and the classes of words. Stylistic syntax is concerned with the expressive potentialities of word order, different types of sentence structure and syntactic types. It also investigates special syntactical expressive means and specific features of supraphrasal units and paragraphs.
Stylistic phonetics embraces all the phenomena of sound arrangement and instrumentation of both prose and verse – rhythm, rhyme,alliteration and so on. Along with their formal characteristics, linguistic units have meanings. Meanings are investigated and described by a branch of liguistics called semantics of semaseology. Certain scholars say that meaning make an independent level – semantic level. But some think that this matter is not valid because meanings are not material unlike linguistic units of other levels and meanings are not levelforming as they are not attached to only 1 level but corellate with all of them. Stylisticvs is closely connected with another discipline – theory of information. The term Information itself which has now become part of the terminological system of styulistics is borrowed from the theory of information. While describing and interpreting a text stylistically one should bear in mind that information contained in it may be of 2 types – primary and secondary. Primary is not connected with the circumstances of the communicative act. It is meaning as such, the subject matter of communication. Additional or secondary information is connected with the participants and circumstances of the communicative act. The difference between these 2 types of information may be used as the opposition between the denotative and connotative meanings of the word. The denotative meaning of the word is associated with the concept, the connotative meaning includes several components – emotional, expressive, evaluative and stylistic. They reflect the speaker;s attitude to what the speaker has said, his approvel and disapproval, his cultural, educational, social status, age, emotional background. The opposition between the denotative and connotative meanings may be treated proceeding from the functions of any language.
Functions of the language serve as manifestations of its natural essence and admit of different interpretations. There are some points of view concerning their number and meaning. Thus, Some scholars distinguish communicative, cognitive, emotive, and metalinguistic functions of the language.
These basic primary functions are inseparably connected with a number of secondary ones, fe – volatative, phatics – necessary to initiate a conversation, poetic, aesthetic.
The information of the first type is associated with the communicative function of the language. The information of the 2nd type is cpnnected with all the other functions = emotive, pragmatic, phatic, aesthetic.
The aim of stylistic analysis and interpretation is to study the interaction between the logical, denotative content of the message – primary information, with the secondary information. It is necessary to emphasize that the distinction between the types of information, denotative and connotative meanings, the objective and the subjective in the utterance, is made only for the sake of analysis. In reality they form a single whole representing different aspects of one and the same phenomenon.
The approach chosen to stylistic analysis by Arnold is to a great extent based on the application of the theory of information to linguistics. Stylistics of decoding treats a text or an utterance as a message containing information encoded by the author and meant to be decoded by the rteader or by the speaker. The linguostylistic analysis combined with the procedures of literary stylistics, is aimed at decoding the information in its fullness.
Varieties of language. The functioning of the literary language in various spheres of communication has resulted in its differentiation. The actual situation of communication has evolved 2 varieties of language – the spoken and the written. Diachronically, the spoken is primary, and the written is secondary. Each of these varieties has developed its own features and qualities which in many ways may be regarded as opposed to each other. The spoken variety differs from the written language phonetically, morphologically, lexically, and syntactically.
The most striking difference between the spoken and written language is in the vocabulary used. In the spoken variety we observe the use of words and phrases typically colloquial than intensifying words, the insertion into the utterance of words that are called fill-ups or empty words (…and all). The syntactical peculiarities of the spoken language are constructions which have missing elements, the tendency to use the direct word order in questions and to omit the auxiliary verbs, the use of unfinished sentences (if you behave like that I'll), the use of syntactical structures with the tautological subject (Helen, she was here).
Distinction should also be made between the literary or standard or the NATIONAL language. The national language is the creation of the people on the whole. It is opposed to other national languages and to the languages of other human communities. The literary language is the elaborated form or variety of the national language which obeys definite morphological, phonetic, syntactical, lexical and phraseological norms, recognized as standard and therefore acceptable in all kinds and types of discourse.
According to its cultural and social status, the literary language is opposed to territorial varieties of the language, ie dialects, socialects and popular speech. There is no hard and fast division between the literary and non-literary language, cuz they are independent. The development of the literary language is marked by the process of selection. The real creator of the literary form is the people who is the actual law-giver of the norms. Scientists and men of letters only fix what has already been established by general use. The gap between the literary and non-literary English became wide in the 18th century. In the 19th century literary English demonstrated a more or less firmly established differentiation of styles. Thus, the dichotomy of written and oral speech which manifests itself in the gap between the literary and non-literary forms led way to a cluster of varieties within the literary language that is to stratification into different styles.
The Norm
The notion of the norm mainly refers to the literary language And ALWAYS presupposes a recognized, received standard. The norm is the invariant of the phonemic, morphological, lexical patterns circulating in speech at a given period of time. The development of every literary language shows that the variants will always center around the invariant forms. Different norms, for various types and styles of language do not exclude the existence of the invariant. There are 2 conflicting tendencies in the process of establishing the norm. The 1st one is the preservation of the already existing norm and 2nd is the introduction of the new norms not yet firmly established. The norm is composed of the subtotal of generally accepted traditional forms in which the structure of language is realized. By the structure of language we mean the system of interrelated and interdependent constituents in which the elements of lower levels serve to build the elements of higher levels. The abstract language structure finds its realization in a collection of traditions and rules accepted at a given period that is the norm. The norm can be realized only in speech. Thus the existance of the norm presupposes the existence of the following oppositions – structure\norm\indi idual speech
National norm\dialect, neutral style\colloquial\booki h style, literary speech\popular speech\written speech. Each of them is based on its own norm. Thus the norm includes different subsystems of the structural realization.

One of the objects of lingual stylistics is the study of the functional styles. The word style is used in so many senses that it has become a breeding ground for ambiguity. The term individual style can be applied to that sphere of ling science that deals with the peculiarities of a writer's individual manner, of using language means to achieve the effect he desires. Individual style is a unique combination of language units, expressive means and stylistic devices which makes the writers works easily recognizable. The term style may be used in the meaning of «technique of expression». It is also widely used in literature to signify the literary genre. In stylistics, the term style is used in the meaning «functional style». FS is a system of interrelated language means which serves a definite aim in communication. The FS are included in the literary system of the language. The peculiar choice of language means is primarily predetermined by the aim of communication. The result of it is the existence of a more or less closed system.
Galperin one of the outstandling scholars on the field of stylistics, distinguishes
the following FS -
      lang of belles-lettres
      the language of publicistic literature,
      the lang of scientific prose,
      official documents.
FS are the products of the development of the written language variety. Each FS may be characterized by a number of distinctive features – leading or subordinate, constant or changing, obligatory or optional. Each FS is subdivided in a number of substyles. They represent varieties of the abstract invariant. Each variety has basic features common to all varieties of the given FS, and peculiar features, typical of this variety alone.
Substyles of the 5 FS given above:
The language of BL
      Feature articles in newspapers
      Lang style of brief news items and communiques
      The lanf style of newspaper headlines
      Notices and ads
Scientific prose
      Humanitarian sciences
      Exact sciences
      Popular scientific prose
Official docs
      Diplomatic docs
      Business docs
      Legal docs
      Military docs
This classification is not proof against criticism. The classification of FS is not a simple matter and any discussion may reflect more than one angle of vision. Thus, for example, some stylicists consider that newspaper articles should be classed under the FS of newspaper language.
Professot Budagov singles out only 2 main FS. – The language of science, and the language of emotive literature. IV Arnold distinguishes 3 main members of the opposition – colloq, bookish style and neutral style. The term neutral is not a happy one because it implies the style in which style features are absent. It serves as the background for perceiving pronounced stylistic peculiarities. Colloquial English includes 3 varieties:
      Literary coll
      Familiar coll
      Popular speech
But some scientists think that popular speech can not be considered a FS since any style implies some choice but the person using this type of speech has NO choice.
The group of bookish styles comprises the following FS:
      The style of scientific prose
      The style of official docs
      The style of newspapers or publicistic style
      The style of oratory
      Poetic style
The group of bookish styles has no territorial varieties and has a pronounced national and traditional character.
One of the controversial problems of classification of FS is the place of the language of fiction within this classification some scholars (Galperin Budagov) think that the belle lettres style does exist as a separate FS.\
Vinogradov, Arnold and other scholars do not include this style in the classification of the FS. According to their point of view, artistic literature is an individual creation of a writer or a poet who resort to all the subsystems of the literary language with its FS and regional varieties and to those varieties that are not included into the norm.
Thus an artistic text is a peculiar conglomeration of all the lang varieties, a peculiar reflection of the national language. In conclusion it should be noted that the category of FS is a historical category. Different styles singled out in different historical periods.

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Для анализа – Stephen Leacock New Pathology
Benchley – why do we love and do we
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reference books also refer to the scientific prose style
reduced to summing up and passing oin the objective information – disclising laws, creating new concepts
expressivities first are used but then are incorporated into the structure as terms.
The phatic function is not realized as the style exists mostly in the written varieties.
The aesthetic function is optional but may be present perceived by the rare professional
When used outside of the stylistical prose, its features become stylistically charged.
New Pathology
Lexical level
      Pseudo latin – latin suffix+english root
      Pseudoterms, ocasionalisms, coined words
We can observe the discrepancy between the matter and the manner – the form and the message. Like in Any deviation from the norm, there is stylistic relevance, making the text satirical, ironical.
Alongside with the neutral vocab, we observe the author's pseudo terms adding to the satirical flavor.
Why we laugh or do we?
      Terms – compensatory reflex, etc
      Ready-made - casrdinal point, diagram
      General vocabulary
      Colloq eng used alongsisde with the scientific
      Foornotes are digressing, bulky, bearing no important information.

      Scientifi form is again applied to the trivial context, serving as a mechanism of irony.

Distinctive features of any FS depend on its social purpose and the combination of functions of language prevailing in the act of communication. That is on the sphere and the aims of communication. It is generally accepted that the communicative and the cognitive func-s of the language are realized in scientific prose. All the rest are optional.
The rest of the science follows the following aims – to prove the hypothesis, to create new concepts, to disclose laws and relations between the different phenomena and so on.
This style exists in the forms of a scientific article, a dissertation, a scientific report, a textbook, and so on.
The style-forming factors of this FS are – objectivity, precision, unemotional and traditional character of writing, absence of individuality, logical consistency. Striving for the more generalized form of expression. Style forming factors – predetermine concrete linguistic features of a style.
The level of vocabulary. The most noticeable lexical features of the style are
      The use of terms specific to each given branch of science
      Due to the rapid development of science and technical ideas this layer of vocabulary is constantly growing.
      No other field of human activity is so prolific in coining new words as science is
      the necessity to penetrate deeper into the essence of things gives rise to new concepts which require new words to name them
      the use of learned words or general scientific vocabulary and readymade syntactical units including such words and phrases as cardinal, approximate, analysis, heterogeneous, one should note, in conclusion….so on.
      the general vocabulary implied in scientific prose bears its direct referential meaning. Words with contextual meaning are avoided as well as any possibility of ambiguity.
      the use of the technical nomenclature of a given science. – figures, proper names, dates and so on.
The level of morphology
      the use of passive constructions providing the impersonality of the text.
      The abundance of constructions with the indefinite pronoun «one».
      The prevalence of nouns over verbs
      The absence of interjections
      The peculiar use of pronouns
      The logical sequence of the utterances with clear indication of their interrelations.
      The syntax is governed by the logical reasoning.
      The prevalence of full declarative complex sentences
      A well developed and varied system of conjunctions and connectives.
      The use of direct word order.
      There is a noticeable difference in the syntactical design of utterances in the exact sciences and in the Humanities due to the fact that the data and the methods of investigation in the Humanities are less objective
      Is marked by the use of quotation and references which sometimes occupy as much as half a page.
      References also have a definite compositional pattern.
      The frequent use of footnotes, not of the reference kind but digressive in character, the things that seem to violate the logical coherence of ideas, are placed in a footnote.
      Paragraphing, which serves as a means facilitating the reader's understanding of the text.
      The use of numbering, lettering, different types of print, diagrams, pictures, photos, various additional visual materials
      Expressivity is not entirely categorically excluded from scientific prose
        It is realized in the use of emotionally colored words which express some hypothesis, backed up by strong belief.
        Prevalence of quantitative expressivity – most essential, much the same, almost all of which and so on.
        Imaginative expressivity takes place mostly when new terms are coined
Expressivity in scientific prose is often realized in the form of logical expressivity – I wish to emphasize…

arnold – descriptive means
tropes (lexical level – create images)
syntactical structires – figures of speech - inversion, parallelism,
Tropes can be characterized as paradigmatic because they're based on the associations of the words chosen by the author with the words similar in meaning but not used in the text. Figures of speech ar syntagmatic because they’re based on the linear arrangement of their constituent parts and their effect depends entirely on their place in the utterance. Decoding stylistics never treats tropes and figures of speech in entire isolation from the artistic whole that is text but in close connection with it. The aim of stylistics is not to provide the complete inventory of stylistic means but to interpret their role in a process of conveying the idea.
Galperin distinguishes between expressive means and stylistic devices. The expressive means of a language are those phonetic, morphological word building, lexical, phraseological and syntactical forms which exist in language-as-a-system for the purpose of logical and emotional intensification of the utterance.
These intensifying forms have been singled out in grammars, courses in phonetics, and dictionaries as having special functions in making the utterances emphatic. Some of them are normalized and fixed in dictionaries as expressive means. In most cases they have corresponding neutral synonymous forms. Expressive means are concrete facts of language, and they are studied in the respective language manuals.
A stylistic device is a conscious and intentional intensification of some typical structural or semantic property of a language unit promoted to a generalized status and thus becoming a generative model. It means that a stylistic device is an abstract pattern, a mold into which any content can be poured.
The interrelation between expressive means and stylistic devices can be worded in terms of the theory of information. Expressive means have a greater degree of predictability than stylistic devices.
Expressive means follow the natural course of thought, intensifying it by means commonly used in the language. Stylistic devices carry a greater amount of information and require a certain effort to decode their meaning and purpose. iN modern stylistics there have been suggested new approaches to the problem of expressive means. The detailed classification of these means has stopped being a top priority question. The main opposition is that of the norm and a deviation from the norm. The problem of the deviation from the norm is a crucial issue of stylistics, rhetoric and the theory of literature. Many linguists believe that the appearance of the stylistic effect depends primarily on the deviations from the norm and the essence of the artistic language consists in violating norms.
Lexical expressive means and stylistic devices that is tropes.
The interaction of the word meanings in the process of creating an artistic images has always been investigated in terms of tropes. Tropes are lexical expressive means in which a word or a wordgroup is used in a transferred sense. The interaction or interplay between the primary dictionary meaning, and a meaning which is imposed on the word by a microcontext, may be maintained along different lines. One line is when the author identifies two objects which have nothing in common but in which he subjectively sees a function or a property or a feature that may make the reader perceive these two objects as identical. Stylistic device based on the principle of identification is a metaphor. The term metaphor as the etymology of the word means transferrance of qualities of some word to the other.
Galperin defines metaphor as the power of realizing two lexical meanings simultaneously , that is the kind of identification, unlike Arnold who defines metaphor as a hidden comparison in which the name of one object is applied to another object.
Metaphors can be classified acc, to their degree of unexpectedness. Thus, metaphors which are absolutely unexpected, that are quite unpredictable, are called GENUINE metaphors. They are regarded as belonging to the language-in-action, that is they are speech metaphors. ( f.e. I saw him coming out of the anaesthetic of her charm – anaesthetic is used metaphorically, being a genuine metaphor. Also The leaves fell sorrowfully.)
Those metaphors that are commonly used in speech and therefore are sometimes fixed in dictionaries as expressive means of language are called trite or dead metaphors whose predictability is quite apparent. Trite metaphors belong to language-as-a-system and are usually fixed in dictionaries as units of the language (f.e. A ray of hope, floods of tears, a storm of indignation, a flight of fancy, dawn of life, град пуль) .
Genuine metaphors are mostly to found in poetry and emotive prose. Trite metaphors are generally used in newspaper articles, oratory style, scientific language.
The use of trite metaphors should not be regarded as drawback of style. They help the writer to enliven his work and even make the meaning more concrete.
There is constant interaction between genuine and trite metaphors. Genuine metaphors if they are good and can stand the test of time, may through frequent repetition, become trite and easily predictable. Trite metaphors may regain their freshness through the process of prolongation of the metaphor.
In this case, metaphors are injected with new vigor, and their primary meaning is re-established alongside the new meaning. This is done by supplying the central image created by the metaphor with additional words bearing some reference to the main word. Such metaphors are called sustained metaphors, prolonged or developed. For example, mister pickwick bottled up his vengeance and corked it down. The word to bottle up is defined as to restrain, to conceal, to repress. This trite metaphor is revived by the direct meaning of the word to cork down. Thus the metaphor is revived and regains its freshness, gets a second life. The principle metaphor is the principal image of the sustained metaphor. And the other words that bear reference to the image are contracted images.
To create an image means to bring a phenomenon from the highly abstract to the essentially conctrete. Metaphors make abstract ideas more concrete. It is thru metaphor that the author expresses hos individual attitude to the things described. Metaphor is always evaluative and emotionally charged.
Another variety of metaphor is a linguistical one. The matter has no other denotation and the comparison is completely forgotten (a leg of a table, mouth of a river, лист бумаги). Metaphor first appears in the language as a genuine metaphor, then it may be frequently repeated and become trite, and then may become lexicalized.
Metaphors may be denoted by any part of speech (past was a wound in his heart; the trees were powdered by april snow; the leaves fell sorrowfully)
Personification is a trope, a kind of metaphor,which endows a thing or a phenomenon with features peculiar of a human being.sometimes it is marked by capitalization. Words used as personification may be substituted by personal pronouns HE\SHE, may be used in the genitive case, and accompanied by verbs, denoting the processes of speech, thought, volition and so on. F.E. – at that time my virtue slumbered. Mother Nature always blushes before disrobing. Personification may sometimes take the form of a digress (o night and storm and darkness ye art wonderous storm.
The stylistic function of personification is to help the reader visualize the description, tp impart dynamic force to it, or to reproduce the particular mood of the viewer.
Irony is based on the simultaneous realization of two logical meanings – dictionary and contextual. Which stand in opposition to each other. It must be delightful to find oneself in a foreign country without a penny in one's pocket. The word containing irony is strongly marked by intonation. It has an emphatic stress, and is generally supplied with a special melody design, Unless the context renders this intonation patters unnecessary. In irony, the contextual meaning is very fluctuating, suggestive, and dependent on the environment. That is why there are practically no cases of irony in language as a system.
Irony mustn't be confused with humor, although they have much in common. The function of irony is not confined to producing a humorous effect. In a sentence like How clever of you! The irony doen's cause ludicrous effect. It rather expresses the feeling of irritation, displeasure, or regret. A word used ironically may sometimes express very subtle, almost imperceptible nuances of meaning.
Metonymy is based on some association connecting two concepts which these meanings represent. Types of metonymy-forming interrelations of two objects are manifold.
      Names of tools or instruments are used instead of actions. He earns his living by his pen.
      Consequences are used instead of cause (the fish desperately takes the death)
      Characteristic feature of the object instead of the object itself (blue suit grinned, might even have winkled.
      Symbol instead of the object symbolized.
      A concrete thing insntead of an abstract notion (the camp, the pulpit and the law for rich men's sons are free.)
      The container instead of the thing contained (we had to discuss her bloody awful wardrobe. The hall applauded.)
      The relations of proximity. (the round game table was boisterous and happy)
      The material instead of the thing made of it. (the marble spoke)
      The thing a person posesses instead of the person himself (he has married money)
      The name of the creator instead of the thing created by him.
      The list of metonymical relations is in no way complete. There are many other types of relations which may serve as a basis for metonymy.
There are a lot of widely used metonimies which are fixed in dictionaries and which have become facts of language as a system. They are called traditional metonimies (crown for king or queen; cup for the drink)
We smiled at each other but we didn't speak because there were ears all around us.
Metonymy ised in speech, contextual metonymy, is called genuine metonymy, and reveals a quite unexpected substitution of one word for another on the ground of some strong impression produced by a chance feature of a thing.
He didn't realize it but he was about a sentence away from needing plastic surgery.
S. is the simplest kind of metonymy which consists in using the name of a part to denote the whole (hands wanted; a student is expected to know).
Antonomasia – acc to Galperin it is based on the interplay of the between the lexical and nominal meanings and these two kinds of meanings may be realized in the word simultaneously. The term antonomasia is used to denote two varieties of the use of proper names as common nouns and vice versa. Metaphorical antonomasia is the use of the name of a historical literary mythological or biblical personage applied to a person whose characteristic features resemble those of the well-known original. Thus a traitor may be referref to as Brutus, and the word hooligan going back to a proper name, has lost its capital letter, and become a traditional antonomasia. Metonymic antonomasia is observed in cases when a personal name stands for something connected with the bearer of that name who once really existed(I am fond of Dickens.) Antonomasia serves as a basis for token or telling names. They give information to the reader anout the bearer of the name pointing out the leading mose characteristic feature of a person(Mr Zero, Ms Blueyes).
Another group of expressive means is based on the interaction of primary and derivative logical meanings. Here belong zeugma and pun.
Z is the use of the word in the same grammatical but different semantic relation to the adjacent words in the context, the semantic relation being on the 1 hand literal, on the other hand, transferred. (he had a good taste for wine and whisky and an emergency bell in his bedroom). The verb had somultaneously governs such incompatible sequences as taste for smth and the emergency bell. The contrast between the syntactic identity of adjuncts and their semantic incompatibility is a means of creating differenc connotative effects.
It is difficult to drqaw a distinction between the zeugma and pun.The only reliable distinguishing feature is a structural one. Zeugma is the realization of 2 meanings with a help of a verb and pun is more independent. There needn't be a word to which the pun word refers.
Intensification of a certain feature or a thing or phenomena.
Hyperbole is a deliberate overstatement or exaggeration of a feature essential for the object or phenomena (he ll go to sleep, my god he should. 8 Martinis before dinner and enough wine to wash an elephant)
Hyperbole may loose its meaning thru frequent use and become a unit of the lang as a system reproduced in the speech in its unaltered form. (scared to death, immensely obliged, I'd give the world too see him)
An original hyperbole as distinct from trite ones is exaggeration on a big scale. There must be something illogical in it. Something unreal, utterly impossible, contrary to common sense. For example he was so tall that I wasn’t sure he head a face.
Paradoxical illogical hyperboles are employed for humorous purposes. In general hyperbole has the function of intensifying one certain property of the object described It sharpens the reader's ability to make a logical assessment of the utterance.
Periphrasis is a use of a longer phrase instead of a shorter and plainer element of expression. P as all the other tropes can be divided into original creations of individual authors and trite ones, many of which have become part of the general lexicon. P as a stylictic device is a new genuine nomination of an object, a process which realizes the power of language to coin new names for old objects. Stylistic periphrasis can also be subdivided into logical and figurative. Logical p is based on one of the inherent properties of the object described (instruments of destruction, the most pardonable of human weaknesses). These are logical periphrasi

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Characterize each of these forms. Present the theory and illustrate with the examples from the news
Editorials – trite phraseology – idioms, familiar, quotations, proverbs, allusions – historical, literary, biblical.
Level – rich, diverse, colloquial,
Trite Metaphors, periphrasis, irony – easily perceivable
Syntax – logical consistency, appeal. Complex sentences with well developed clause system. Refined logical system. Inversion is widely used. Rethorical questions, parallelisms, inversions; anaphoric, epiphoric repetition, gradation.
Antithesis 0 based upon the usage if antonyms proper
Violation of PE, split phraseology
Homophones, homographs
Graphic means – bold, italics
elliptical sentences – anything can be omitted.
Dicteted by the complexity of the functions.
Classified-= non classified
2 tendencies – brevity and redundancy.
Ellyptical sentences – no articles, aux, punctuation marks
Use of contractions, abbr. monosyllabic words.
Non-classifieds -

+official doc
Pubblicistic style – oral variety, oratorial style.
Fiction results (octopus Morris; all the king's men)

Syntax is the branch of Language science which studies the types of relations between words, word combinations, sentences and utterances. In the domain of syntax it is difficult to distinguish between what is purely grammatical and what is stylistic. Stylistic syntax deals with the peculiarities of the structural design of the utterance which bear some particular emotional coloring. Syntactical stylistic patterns may be viewed as variants of the general syntactical models of the language. Syntactical relations can be studied in isolation from semantic content. In this case they are viewed as constituents of the whole and assume their independent grammatical meaning. Stylistics aims at investigating the objective criteria concerning ways and means of constructing texts of different kinds and genres. For this purpose it is first of all necessary to find the elements into which any text may fall. In other words, there may be certain constituent units, of which any text is composed – words, word combinations, and sentences function in larger structural frames which are called supraphrasal units. A supraphrasal unit is a combination of sentences presenting a structural and semantic unity backed up by a rhythmic and melodic unity. It generally comprises a number of sentences independent structurally and semantically. A paragraph is a graphical term used to name a group of sentences marked off by indentation at the beginning and a break in the line at the end.
A paragraph is a compositional device at either facilitating the process of apprehending what is written or inducing a certain reaction on the part of the reader. From a mere compositional device it may turn into a stylistic one. It discloses the writer's manner of depicting the object in question. Galperin distinguishes between the syntactical expressive means and syntactical stylistic devices. Unlike syntactical expressive means of the language, syntactical stylistic devices are preceived as elaborate designs aimed at having a definite impact on the reader. Galperin distinguishes the following groups of syntactical forms of expressive means and stylistic devices.
      Those based on juxtapostion of the different parts of the sentence.
        Stylistic inversion
        Detached construction
        Parallel construction
        Chiasmus – reversed parallel construction
      Based on the types of connection between the parts of the utterance
      Based on the peculiar use of colloquial constructions
        Aposiopesis – break in the narrative
        Question in the narrative
        Represented speech
      Based on the stylistic use of structural meaning
        Rhetorical question

Arnold distinguishes the following groups of syntactical stylistic structures –
      Those based on the unusual arrangement of the sentence elements
      Those based on the transposition of the synt. Structures
        Rhetorical questions
      Those based on redundancy
      Those based on the omission of the logically obligatory elements or on syntactical compression
      Based on Violation the integrity of the sentence
Word order is a crucial syntactical problem in many languages. In English it has peculiarities which have been caused by the concrete and specific way the language has developed. The predominance of the subject-predicate-ob ect word order makes conspicuous any change in the structure of the sentence. Unlike grammatical inversion, stylistic inversion does not change the structural meaning of the sentence. Stylistical inversion aims at attaching logical stress or additional emotional coloring to the service meaning of the sentence. Therefore, a specific intonation pattern is an inevitable satellite of inversion. Stylistic inversion in modern English should not be regarded as a violation of the norms of standard English. It is only the practical realization of what is potential in the language itself. The following patterns of stylistic inversion are most frequently met in both English prose and poetry:
      The object is placed at the beginning of the sentence – talent Mr Smith has, capitol Mr Smith has not.
      The attribute is placed after the word it modifies - Once upon a midnight dreary….
      The predicative is placed before the subject – a good generous prayer it was…
      Predicative stands before the link verb and both a placed before the subject – rude am I in my speech.
      The adverbial modifier is placed at the beginning of the sentence – eagerly I wished the morrow.
      Both modifier and predicate stand before the subject – In went mr Pickwick.
      Part of the compound modal predicate is placed at the beginning of the sentence – go I must.
      Direct object is placed at the beginning of the sentence – her love letters I returned to the detectives.
      Partial and complete inversion
        Partial – connected with a displacement of a secondary members of the sentence
        Complete – involves the displacement of the principal members of the sentence
        Secondary inversion consists in preserving direct WO in questions. In modern English poetry there appears a definite tendency to experiment with the word order. In this case there can be almost unlimited number of rearrangements of the members of the sentence.

Detached construction.
Sometimes one of the secondary parts of the sentence by some specific consideration of the writer is placed so that it seems formally independent of the word it logically refers to. Such parts are called detached. The detached part being torn away from its referent, assumes a greater degree of significance, and is given prominence by intonation. There may be various types of detached constructions - attribute, adv.modifier, are placed not in the immediate proximity to its referent, but in some other position. (He rose up, grinding his teeth, pale and with fury in his eyes).
A nominal phrase may serve as a detached element (and he walked slowly passed along the river – an
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